Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Law School, admitted 1988.
Professor at Escuela de seguros de Chile, 1991, Assistance Professor in Comercial Law at, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1998.
Posgraduate studies in business administration at ESAE (Escuela de Administración, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1993-1994). Additionaly, postgraduate in Tax Planification at Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile, 2009.
Professional Practice
His professional practice started in the area of Construction and Real Estate and Evolved Throughout the years into the Civil and Corporate law, evolving throughout the years into the insurance and stock market fields.
Manager of Incidental issues at Fénix Chilena Cía. De seguros Generales, 1987 – 1990. Lawyer at EuroAmérica Seguros Generales, 1990.
Head Lawyer at Hipotecaria La Construcción S.A., 1991 – 2007.
Head Lawyer and manager at Securitizadora La Construcción S.A., 1995 – 2011. H
ead Lawyer at Sociedad Inmobiliaria La Construcción S.A., 1996 – 2017.
President of Legal Department at Asociación Gremial de Agentes Administradores de Mutuos Hipotecarios Endosables, 1995 – 2017.
Member of Comisión para la Vivienda de la Cámara Chilena de la Construcción, 2002 – 2005.
He founds Allende y Cía. Abogados Limitada, 2017 – 2019.
Partner at Goldemberg & Lagos Abogados, 2019
Member of the Chilean Bar Association.